Crockershire Vintage Worcestershire sauce is of the worcestershire family of condiments.
Its creator, Geoff Crocker is an Australian who spent many years in Montreal, Canada as a noted food writer, a restaurant critic, a broadcaster and a cooking teacher. His liking for and curiosity about the centuries-old worcestershire sauce prompted a seventeen-year quest in careful search of the ultimate worcestershire. Time would later provide that answer in his very own kitchen.
Instead of replicating the common character of commercial brands which are far too acidic and salty, Geoff strove for a sauce capable of blessing a delicate green salad, yet robust enough to punctuate a wide variety of meats and other foods.
Each batch of sauce takes two months to mature before bottling. Its 25 ingredients include all fresh vegetables and a careful blend of three vinegars.
Crockershire arrives with an addictive but mellow, full-bodied richness of flavour that guarantees enhancement to the natural flavours of most foods.
Crockershire contains NO fats, NO preservatives and has very low salt content.

COELIAC version is available, Click on COELIACS
DIABETICS may use this sauce. Click on DIABETICS

Contains NO anchovies or animal product.